Thursday, 13 September 2012

Liebster award

I have been lucky enough to receive a Liebster award from Amy over at Inspire Imagination through Creation - possibly my favourite blog so I'm really honoured!  The idea is that the award is given by bloggers to bloggers, and that all blogs nominated  must have fewer than 200 followers.  It's a way of increasing traffic to smaller sites. 

When you get the award, the person giving it asks you 11 random questions, then you have to nominate 11 other blogs and come up with your own set of questions.

What Amy Asked Me: 

What is your most memorable day? 

Aside from the obvious - wedding, child-birth etc. - I think the most memorable would have to be getting rescued from a castle. It's a fairly long story but the truncated version goes - locked myself in a  castle ruin by accidentally breaking a 600 year old key. Because all the downstairs windows were blocked, my boyfriend at the time had to fetch a ladder and I climbed down from a tower window. If you want the full version, mine's a G&T ;)

What do you not leave the house without?

I haave a little ritual as I leave the  house - I chant, "purse, phone, keys." If you've got those, you don't really need anything else.

What is your most annoying habit?

Would depend on who you're asking I suppose. I have a crazy addiction to tea and new wool/fabric. And I can't go anywhere without going in All The Charity Shops.

Who is your role-model?

In my ideal world, there would be someone who is a cross between Mass Effect's commander Shepard and Kirstie Allsop... There isn't though,so pick whichever of the above you find most comforting ;) 

What is your favourite film? 

There are two series' of films that I love - Indiana Jones and Back to the Future. But in terms of stand alone movies, probably The Princess Bride.

Why did you start to write your blog?

Honestly... I don't remember. I was in a very dark place one night after Daughter was born and thought somehow that starting a blog ranting about how miserable I was would help. Needless to say that concentrating on misery just made me sadder, so I decided to shift my focus. This has ended up being my sanctuary.
If you had the chance to go back in time 24 hours what would you have done differently?

I would have stayed up later, playing more Mass Effect 3 - I went to bed before finishing a mission and then lay awake thinking about how it was going to end. Tragically lame, I know, I'm just not a profound sort of person.

What was your favourite toy as a child?

You'd have to ask my mum this question. I remember lots of toys - an inflatible giraffe, a hobby horse called Corky, an ancient Nintendo pinball game, a Raleigh Boxer bike, Jimbo and Gloria toy planes, a hanky with buttons stitched on... 

What was the last book you read?

I'm reading Joe Abercrombie's 'First Law' series right now - it's amazing. I am taking a break between books to make it last longer so am reading a non-fiction called 'Sex with Kings'.

What is your favourite meal? 

Rib eye steak, BBQed rare and served with an enormous salad. Followed by cheesecake. Yum.

Are you a spender or a saver?

Honestly? A spender. But I love a challenge, and I think that's why I like the budgeting thing so much. 

Who I'm nominating: 

Jam; a history The lovely Millie Wray shares all things creative and cultural, as well as some really lovely recipes.

Deadhorse to Ushuaia  - The travel blog of J- and C- as they hitchhike through America.

The Family Patch - A very warm, homely blog by wonderfully down-to-earth Amanda.

Geeky Sweetheart - All things geeky, mummy and crafty. 

Cakes by Misti - Cakes like no others! Gorgeous foody inspiration and the odd recipe.

One stitch at a time - Another great crafty blog with some great pictures.

Walking Quite Fast - The musings of a lady as she walks the wilds of the Grampian mountains.

Bex Thorts - The meditative thoughts of a wonderful lady called Bex. Very frank, very open and very honest, I always find reading this like a breath of fresh air.

And those, believe it or not, are all the blogs I read with fewer than 200 followers. What I do with my time online then, is beyond me. If  you're on this list and don't feel up to answering the questions below, please don't - I nominated you because I love your writing, not because I wanted to give you extra work ;)

My questions: 

  1. If you could only read one author for the rest of your days, who would you read?
  2. You're leaving town forever and need to pack your worldly goods into a backpack - what's the first thing you reach for?
  3. If you were queen for the day, who would you knight?
  4. What is your most memorable day?
  5. Where in the world would you go if money wasn't an object?
  6. Who would you take with you?
  7. Are you a closet Star Trek fan?
  8. What's your favouritie flower?
  9. Where do you feel most at home?
  10. How do you prefer to travel - car, train, plane, walking etc?
  11. What did(do) you want to  be when you grow up?


  1. Thank you for the blog award - mulling over your questions already!
    Didn't realise you had a blog over here as well, will have to send you a few book recommendations... Have you found the Allan/Janet Ahlberg books for a start? And Shirley Hughes? (she may be a bit young for those yet but at least they made me happy when I had to read them!)

  2. I have been meaning to leave you a message to say "hello" and thanks for the award but we've had a crazily busy couple of weeks visiting family and friends in 3 different cities. Combine that with a first birthday and a lovely mixture of teething and a cold for the little one and I am waaaaay behind on everything!

    But I wanted you to know I really appreciate it and I have written my responses but need to make my own nominations and schedule the post to go up after a couple of others that really need to go up first (because they are connected to Oscar's birthday!) I'll let you know when I get it published. Thanks again xx

    Amanda (from The Family Patch... for some reason my typepad ID won't show up!)
