Friday 2 September 2011


After I'd finished watching the documentary I mentioned yesterday, iplayer recommended Cherry's Body Dilemmas which, as Daughter was still eating, I decided to indulge in.

I've not really got any issues with my body. I prefer clothes which hang better on athletic women - which is a shame because athletic is something I am certainly not! - but I don't think I need to hide myself away under a giant paper bag, or have surgery, or anything drastic like that. I could probably stand to eat fewer biscuits, but frankly, I find life too short for self-denial.

That a lot of women struggle with their figure after childbirth isn't something I can really relate to. My body just did the most awesome thing ever, and on the one occasion I did get a little sad, I just went to make Daughter laugh and suddenly the fact that my waist wasn't as little as once it was didn't matter in the slightest.

My body has served me well. It has created the most amazing little person ever and how could I ever hate it for aesthetic reasons after that?

To teething though. The amber necklace that I ordered for Daughter has arrived, as has her little rubber toothbrush, and whilst I'm not brave enough to let her sleep in the amber, it seems to be making her more comfortable during the day - thus allowing me to catch up on sleep we miss at night. Also, the brush is a HUGE success. She LOVES chewing it and I'd recommend one for any parent with a teething tot!

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